The Top Common Mistakes Supplement Brands Make on Amazon and How to Avoid Them

August 30, 2023

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The supplement industry is thriving, particularly in the online marketplace, where it’s estimated that by 2027, the e-commerce supplement industry worldwide will be valued at $56.4 billion. One of the most popular platforms for supplement brands to sell their products is Amazon, thanks to its vast customer base and efficient logistics solutions. However, while there are abundant opportunities for supplement companies, numerous pitfalls can hamper the growth and success of your brand on this platform.

To help your brand reach its full potential as an Amazon seller, we have gathered the most common mistakes that supplement brands make and provided insights on how to tackle these challenges. From product listing optimization and advertising strategies to dealing with customer feedback and returns, we will explore the multifaceted aspects of selling supplements on Amazon and offer expert advice to help you avoid these common traps, improve sales performance, and boost customer satisfaction.

The Top Common Mistakes Supplement Brands Make on Amazon and How to Avoid Them

The supplement industry on Amazon is highly competitive and constantly evolving. To succeed as a supplement seller, it’s crucial to stay informed about industry best practices and avoid common mistakes. In this article, we will explore four frequent pitfalls and offer actionable tips on how you can overcome them to see better sales results and increased customer satisfaction.

1. Failure to Optimize Product Listings

A well-optimized product listing is the foundation of any successful Amazon business. Unfortunately, many supplement brands neglect this crucial aspect, resulting in poor visibility and lower conversion rates. To create the perfect product listing, focus on the following areas:

  1. Keyword Research: Understand the search terms your target audience uses to find products like yours and incorporate these keywords into your listing, particularly within the product title, bullets, and description. Utilize keyword research tools such as Jungle Scout, Helium 10, or Amazon’s own auto-suggest feature to uncover high-volume, relevant keywords.
  2. High-Quality Images: Images are the first thing that captures a buyer’s attention. Invest in professional product photography that showcases your products from multiple angles, highlights any unique features, and includes infographics or lifestyle images to help customers visualize using your supplement.
  3. Compelling Product Descriptions: Use your product description to educate customers about your supplement’s benefits, ingredients, usage instructions, and any relevant certifications or third-party lab tests. Avoid making inflated or unsupported health claims, as these can lead to your listing being removed by Amazon.
  4. Enhanced Brand Content (EBC): If you’re a registered brand on Amazon, take advantage of EBC to showcase your products with high-quality images, videos, and more in-depth information in a visually appealing format.

2. Inadequate Advertising Campaigns

Advertising is an indispensable part of driving sales and visibility on Amazon. Many supplement brands, however, fail to effectively use Amazon’s PPC advertising platform, resulting in wasted ad spend and missed opportunities. To optimize your advertising campaigns, consider implementing these strategies:

  1. Sponsored Products: Start with Amazon’s basic PPC ad format, Sponsored Products, to promote individual SKUs. Utilize an automatic bidding strategy initially to gather keyword data, and then transition to manual bidding with a focus on high-performing keywords.
  2. Sponsored Brands: If your brand is registered, leverage Sponsored Brands campaigns to increase brand awareness and showcase up to three different products simultaneously. Opt for keyword-targeting and continually monitor and adjust your bids to optimize your ad spend.
  3. Product Targeting: Utilize product targeting within your Sponsored Products campaigns to target competitor listings or complementary products. This strategy can help you capture customers who may be considering similar supplements or are looking for add-on items.
  4. Regular Campaign Optimization: Regularly review your advertising campaigns to pause underperforming keywords, adjust bids, and uncover new keyword opportunities. Tip: Take advantage of ad performance reports provided by Amazon to make data-driven decisions.

3. Inventory Management Blunders

Maintaining proper inventory levels is vital to avoid stock-outs and maintain Amazon’s fulfillment efficiency. Additionally, mishandling returns can lead to increased costs and decreased customer satisfaction. Here’s how to optimize your inventory management:

  1. Accurate Forecasting: Analyze historical sales data and factor in seasonal trends, promotions, and lead times to predict future demand. Identify and plan for products with fluctuating sales velocity to avoid stock-outs or excess inventory.
  2. Leverage the FBA Program: Consider using the Fulfillment by Amazon (FBA) program to expedite shipping, manage inventory more effectively, and improve your chances of winning the Buy Box. Be sure to follow Amazon’s strict FBA guidelines, especially for dietary supplements.
  3. Implement a Robust Returns Process: Develop a standardized process for handling returns, including documenting reasons for return, evaluating the product’s condition, and determining whether it can be resold, returned to inventory, or disposed of.

4. Ignoring Customer Feedback

Customer reviews and feedback are invaluable tools to inform product improvements, address customer concerns, and build brand credibility. Neglecting this avenue can hurt your reputation and sales potential. Here’s how to leverage customer feedback effectively:

  1. Monitor Reviews: Regularly review customer feedback to identify any recurring issues, concerns, or product suggestions. Address these concerns promptly, either by improving the product or providing a resolution for the customer.
  2. Provide Excellent Customer Service: Responsiveness and professionalism in handling customer inquiries and returns can lead to better customer satisfaction, fewer negative reviews, and potential repeat customers. Consider using Amazon’s templates for replies to maintain a professional tone and ensure all necessary information is provided.
  3. Encourage Reviews: Request reviews from satisfied customers using Amazon’s ‘Request a Review’ feature. Note that Amazon has strict guidelines about soliciting reviews and incentivization, so be cautious when encouraging customers to leave feedback. Do no buy paid reviews under any circumstance, as it will almost certainly lead to Amazon suspending your Sellers account.


Avoiding the common pitfalls discussed in this article can significantly impact your supplement brand’s success as an Amazon seller. By optimizing your product listings, advertising campaigns, inventory management, and leveraging customer feedback, you can pave the way to greater sales performance and a loyal customer base.

To take your supplement brand to the next level on Amazon, consider partnering with an Amazon marketing agency like Cause Per Click. Their expertise in Amazon’s ever-changing algorithms and advertising strategies can help you avoid costly mistakes, optimize your listings, and drive more sales. With the right tactics and guidance, your supplement brand can flourish in the competitive world of Amazon. Contact us today for more information.

Cause Per Click is a digital marketing agency. We specialize in nonprofit marketing and dietary supplement marketing, helping socially responsible brands grow their online presence and get results that make an impact.