Branding Identity and Logo Redesign for JFCS JAX, a Jacksonville Nonprofit

The new logo for JFCS JAX, a Jacksonville-based nonprofit organization, is a masterful work of art that captures the essence of their mission. The design features an iconic tree in representation of the Jewish tradition, along with a modern font that conveys both professionalism and approachability. The color scheme of blue and green symbolizes stability, growth, and community – all values at the core of JFCS JAX’s philosophy.

In addition to its visual appeal, this redesigned logo also represents the organization’s commitment to innovation and progress in serving their clients. It serves as a beacon for those seeking support from this compassionate team of professionals who are dedicated to improving lives every day. Overall, the new logo exudes warmth, compassion, and hope – everything one would expect from such an outstanding nonprofit like JFCS JAX! Another great example of what a good nonprofit marketing agency can accomplish through dedication and creativity.

jfcs logo